Our Services
Tree Survey Services
Health & Condition
Planning & Development

Health and Condition
A survey for health and condition is one of the most important things you can do to look after your tree stock. Before you carry out any tree surgery work, it’s important to do this as it may save you money in the long run. The survey will select any trees which may or may not need work rather than carrying out work to all trees. Many trees in parks and gardens may be specimen trees and require the expertise of an arborist to create a management plan to retain for the future.
Creating this type of management system for large estates, stud farms parks and gardens means that a site can be managed for both health and safety and to repopulate trees when ones are removed. As a homeowner or property manager, the responsibility of tree management is of the utmost importance to you and so, having someone from Tree Logic assess your tree stock can save you time and money.

Planning Permissions, Construction and Development
Many local authorities and planning agencies require a tree inspection and survey carried out before development can commence. The is a key part in the design of any development to allow trees to be integrated into the landscape. It also ensures no damage is inflicted to trees and finds trees which may pose a problem for the future.
Monitoring the site through the development process is also a key part of the tree management plan. It means that protection measures put in place are monitored and tree issues which may have popped up are kept on top of. Damage during construction can be one of the main reasons trees don’t survive in the long term in a development but with expert advise, this can be easily avoided.
Consultancy Services
Specimen Trees
Veteran & Heritage Trees
Areas of Conservation
Historic Properties
Storm Water & Suds
Planting Schemes
Landscape Plans
Trees in the Built Environment

Consultancy Services
We provide consultancy services on a range of tree and landscape planning issues. This may range from an inspection and report of an individual tree in a residential garden, hedge management, planting schemes and landscape plans for one off housing. We also provide consultancy services to tree surgeons and landscapers who may need assessments carried out before work commences.
We have great experience at dealing with surface water, drainage, and suds schemes for tree planting. A fantastic way to treat surface run off. Often utilities and the built environment come into contact with trees and hedges, we are there to provide once off reports or inspections, line walking, track walking and crossing points, hedges and building interaction.
Whatever your needs be in the arboricultural and tree related world, Tree Logic is there to assist you wherever possible. The first step is contact so reach out to us, a problem shared is a problem halved and we are here to help.