Tree Logic Blog
The Hidden Gem of Maynooth College
Most of us have passed through the town of Maynooth in Co Kildare many many times. Known for its stately home of Carton, seat of the Duke Leinster, and of course the National University of Ireland…
Street Tree Vandalism and Rejuvenation
I recently read an article By Dr Duncan Slater (Slater, 2018) in which he talked about what happens to pruning wounds years after the cut has been made. As my interest lies in the science based…
Luas Cross City Project
A notable project which we were pleased to be involved in was the Luas cross city project. At the time it was one of the largest projects which was carried out across the entire city centre. Within this project, there were….
Separating Ourselves From Nature
What do you say to someone who wants you to cut the tree down outside their house because the leaves fall on their driveway? As an urban forester, this is something I encounter quite regularly…
The Road of Elm and Ash
As I travelled down the country this year on my holidays, I noticed the extent of how Ash dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) was really affecting our roadside trees. I suppose I didn’t have to…